Lovett Consultants

Building Code Tutorials

Dead Ends

This article covers dead end corridors; How to identify one; Why they are restricted in the building codes, and possible solutions to resolving excessive dead ends.

Sprinklers Throughout

Numerous trade-offs are provided when a facility is sprinklered throughout. This article covers where automatic sprinklers are required within the facility in order to be considered sprinklered throughout.

Fire Rated Walls

The 2012 International Building Code lists seven or more types of rated walls. Each wall type has specific door, window and damper requirements with various exceptions. We have put them all into a table, in order to help us identify the wall use, door and window ratings, and when smoke and fire dampers are required.

Fire Rated Doors

This article provides an overview of testing standards and procedures for fire doors, evaluation criteria, fire ratings, smoke and draft control and transmitted temperatures. Glazing type, size and listing of rated door panels is also discussed. Installation standards and common features are outlined, including sills, leaf/jamb clearances, leaf/floor clearances and builder hardware versus fire door hardware.

Penetrations of Horizontal Assemblies

A compiled matrix to help identify the protection of penetrations with combustible or non-combustible elements, through rated or non-rated floor/ceiling and roof/ceiling. Includes construction control joints and rated membrane penetrations, all with references to the applicable 2003-2012 International Building Code Sections.

Rated Occupancy Separation Triangle

A simplified version of the 2012 International Building Code Table 508.4 "Required Separation of Occupancies". The layout of the International Building Code Occupancy Separation Table is confusing and hard to follow. We have converted the Table to a triangle. This triangle is more intuitive, has larger text and is easier to use than Table 508.4.

  Building Codes
  Fire Protection
  Handicap Access
  Safety Regulations

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